Chickadee 0.4.0 released

June 04, 2019

I'm happy to announce that Chickadee 0.4.0 has been released!

Chickadee is a game development toolkit for Guile that is built on top of SDL2 and OpenGL. Chickadee aims to provide all the features that parenthetically inclined game developers need to make 2D (and eventually 3D) games in Scheme.

Changes in the 0.4.0 release include:

  • The (chickadee sdl) module has been replaced with the (chickadee) module and the SDL2 details have been hidden from the user.

  • A default font is now built-in to Chickadee and used for all draw-text calls where a font isn't specified, making it easier to get started with text rendering.

  • The sprite batch API has been rewritten. See the Sprites section in the manual for details.

  • Preliminary particle system rendering support has been added via the new (chickadee render particles) module.

  • Sprites can be colored via the new #:tint keyword argument in the draw-sprite procedure.

  • Improved API documentation.

  • Plus lots of other minor tweaks and bug fixes!



See the Chickadee project page for more information.

Bug reports, bug fixes, feature requests, and patches are welcomed.

Happy hacking!