Hello, world!

June 08, 2013

Hey! I have a shiny new website. I just purchased a cheap VPS from Digital Ocean and registered the dthompson.us domain for this site. Instead of the going the Wordpress route (or using similar blogging software), I’ve decided to use a static site generator called Pelican after seeing that the Linux kernel website was using it. I’m going to use this site to host this blog, my resume, and information about my software projects.

A little about myself: I’m a software developer from Massachusetts. I graduated from Worcester State University in 2012 with a BS in Computer Science. I currently work as a junior Ruby on Rails developer at Vista Higher Learning. I am an advocate of free and open source software and I use GNU/Linux as my operating system of choice. In my spare time, I like to write free software (mostly my own never-to-be-finished projects). Oddly enough, I’m still using a proprietary web service to host all of my software projects, so check out my Github page.

Connect with me on Diaspora or Twitter.